Why x86 support got removed in the last update?

Oh what a happy day! The new legendary is out (AFTER A MONTH TO WAIT!) yeyyyyy!!! Oh wait… what? Error? why… I read the update informations. You’re serious? YOU removed the x86? I play on emulator and if I don’t play on it I will become crazy!!! First, I HATE PLAYING on android. And now you will lose some people because of that. This is UNFAIR. PLEASE, add again emulators!!

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Clam down bro its not nulls team fault you hate playing in androud

But then, why I still can play on the official server?

x86 game libraries were removed from the game by SC. While it is still possible to run official game on emulators because of ARM->x86 binary translation algorithms (Native Bridge, libhoudini), it is impossible to run Null’s Brawl because of some implementation features which strictly require native x86 library and no binary translation.