Why i am getting 5 attacks instead of 12?

why i get 5 attacks instead of 12 pls tell its way then unfair response

Also have 4 attacks😪

Same, 4 attack :frowning:

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r u all from india

I’m not the one who is 4 × nes😒

Becusethis is first login to legendry league

what u mean

When you enter the Legend League for the first time, you will only get 4, 5 or 6 attacks

no at the first day of season i got 40 and same day 12 but net day 5 and next day 12

Is a problem still relevant?

maybe this should be no problem…

no now i am getting daily 12 attacks

But if you can please give a substitute player a chance to attack that is less than it should be

For example a player who only gets 4 chances to attack please give him an additional 8 chances that he should have had before


nullandrey why sometime there is blank village pls remove this feature people do it for not getting 3 star on defense

You can get less attacks if you register during league day. That’s ok, it works like that in CoC too. Next day you will have 12 attacks.

Hi, Andrey. I did a post few days ago on this platform. Maybe you missed it.
I lost my Null’s Clash account by accident, i deleted wrong Clash. And i wasn’t authorized in application (no Vk, or something else). My tag is #LVGGJ80G0, and i could not log in back, for authorizing that is my account i can name (or describe) few oppenets i faced against in Legendary League