i don’t know what you did but now i can’t update my game !! thank you very much null’s brawl !!
it would be helpful if you could tell your problem clearly. anyway you should be a little more respectful for this crew who give their time to an Game for everyone…remember it´s free
Okay, the problem I’m having is that I press to download, but I don’t even start downloading it.
Hi i need Help too
I will be happy if you can help me i like this game so much.
In this new update on Null’s Brawl I can’t enter the game only on the Futbrawl opening screen
Can you help me?
I don’t know what to do.
help me please i love this game!!
Vc é Br ?
click this link: https://dnull.xyz/latest_bs
then install this apk and everything should be fine. just tryed by myself and it works.
still not working
Sim (⌐■-■)
wtf. wich browser did you use? use a simple Browser like Google Chrome and copy the apk to your Android device. it defently works, if not, record and Video and show us whats your problem
Well when I click the download button, google chrome asks if I want to continue, I say yes, but the download doesn’t start … And even if I wanted to, how would I send you a video?
ok i upload it to:
try this link it´s the current new version from today
If you have problem with file.upload.net service, just use another web browser. Firefox for example.
I need help. When I download any version of the game, it works perfect. But then when downloaded it wont open. What do I do?
After download use the File Manager and install server from there.
merahaba nulls ekibi benim adım özcan ben türküm ama oyunda bir sorun var bir maça girdiğimizde mesela maçı kaybettiğimizde kupa kaybetmiyoruz ama maçı kazandığımızda ise kupa kaybediyoruz nulls ekibi bu sorunun düzeltilmesini rica ediyorum please
Türkçe yazma adamlar rus ingilizce yaz.
Bugün 1 nisan olduğu için böyle yaptılar. Bugüne özel. Ben 200000 oldum
What i do if i can’t enter to NB
Try again.
I have a problem.
I can’t have Sprout, Jacky, Mr. P, and Sandy in the megabox on Null’s Brawl
Please help me!!