Vk broken (fix fast)

Vk is broken and trying to login will give the following:
Something went wrong: your VK token invalid or doesn’t belong to your VK ID.
Please fix this fast so account sharing with family, friends and account protection is still possible.
(if account sharing is against the rules i didn’t know that because the rules talk about selling)
(this affects every player)

I think ur th mf, as far as i remember u crashed ppl for 3 weeks for your own fun pathetic clan destroyer. xD

Bro that was req and leave clan name kira leader he got banned :sleepy:

Lmao dont blame me i just spamed one time in my life

Ur lying, u crashed that indo war zone clan.

My vk is fine now it was crashing from two days but now it fine it works properly :+1:I changed my ids

We’ve fixed it like a few days ago. Try it now.

Yeh thnx :wink: