Update Card Balance

When are you going to update the cards that were changed. Also, here are my suggestions that I’ve asked for before:

All stats are tournament standard (level 9)

Golemite Cave: HP 1900 -> 1200, golemites stats match the golem’s golemites (they are much higher than they should be)

Ice Wizard Tower: Range 6.5 tiles -> 7 tiles, HP +25% (900 -> 1200 at lvl 9)

Wizard Tower: Range 6.5 tiles -> 7 tiles

Grave Ghost (fix): Movement Speed Medium -> Fast (It only displays as fast in the description but in practice it only moves at medium)

Shelly: Damage +20%

Goblin Cannon: Range 11.5 tiles -> 12.5 tiles

Sneaky Archer: Elixir Cost 4 -> 3, Hitspeed .8sec -> .7sec, HP 330 -> 240

Bo: Range AND Projectile range 6-7 tiles -> 8 tiles

Rocket Shaft: Elixir Cost 6 -> 5

Invisibility Spell: Affects Air AND Ground, Duration 3.7sec -> 2.5sec


Hello! Sorry for this long-term answer. I am happy to inform you, that I am already actively making a new balance changes. I will consider your suggestions and maybe add something to my white-list.
Thank you for making the game better as now.

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awesome, when do you think they’ll be in the game by? Sorry for bothering you so much…


I planing to do it at this month (At this week maybe), if Developer Leader won’t mind.

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Will we ever get new cards
Like the old 3 elixir heal?


I don’t think we are going to get new cards anytime soon, but I’d love to see the 3 elixir heal in the game. @nullandrey any updates regarding card balance?