Trophy Pushing Beyond 13k

Hello, my friend is currently at 13k and is unable to continue to push. He can’t find any bases that will give him trophies since all he can find are bases that give 0. Meanwhile, another player at nearly 13k is continually pushing with ease. We would like to know why there is such a difference. Thank you. @nullandrey @daniillnull

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Its called luck😂

No, its nearly impossible for him to find somebody with more than zero trophies. Its not luck.

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I dont know what to tell u buddy :joy: its luck.

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True lmfao😂


@iEnVy_SLAYER Stop you guys :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: @TKScorp




:joy::joy:kk as u wish​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

@TKScorp you are vex eriick? (I’m demigod of zuke army)

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Besides :thinking:

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Hmm are you the one who beat beg for mercy(zuke armyy)


Did it get telecasted on world wide television?🤦 @Mr.Creeper_The_Build

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@Devesh_KS What?

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I mean how do you know about the beg for mercy thing? We won by a slick margin. 14-13 was the score. @Mr.Creeper_The_Build

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Do that against Vex :smirk:

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War log


We have already accepted your challenge vex. Your trash talks and kicking me out of vex gg saying bye **** see you in war later is the only thing stopping a war. Just arrange a war with us. Either you or we should send a guy. Who won’t be kicked like me. @TKScorp

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Hey, sorry about this. We removed Fiend and slayer from Vex and they were the only ones going to ur clan and trash talking. If you want to fight us, we will be waiting in Vex HI. Just send a request to join and we’ll be happy to beat u :slight_smile:

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What about now?