Strategy not working 😥

In the previous servers, I have used 10 lightning and 2 earthquake spells to destruction two scattershots,but now no one scattershot is not destroying for 5 lightning and one 1 earthquake spells… What happened sir andrey??? Plz make this right

Lol after update, it requires 6 lightning and 1 earthquake :joy:

The scattershot hp has been increased

@CallMeKiller is right :joy:

but why

So that people can’t spam witches anymore :joy::joy:

Bad attackers were 3 starring all the good bases due to an op army… It had to be stopped.

Let @iEnVy_SLAYER reply :joy:

Just balancement things

I don’t interesting in some strategies in Null’s Clash. Can’t help you in it.

Did you ban that players whose about I told

Wth witches needed a nerf cuz they were just unstoppable and even noob players got 3s… Do u have any idea how many times we had to change bases for defense :neutral_face::sneezing_face:

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True :cry::sneezing_face:

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I just changed that strategy as, 10 witches, 10 super wizards, 5 ice golems, got 100 %

Can’t believe spam still works :cry::sneezing_face::sneezing_face:

Nice if spams still working for you​:no_mouth::no_mouth:

finally we won 1000 wars win in war after playing wars seven months to long it take. To make 1000 wins too tough

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:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:Come on

How much did I lose. If we care about the level, we will quickly reach the 40/40 wars, but all we care about is the winning streak.

it’s tough because many are offline in your clan…