I report this player because he always abusing global by spamming using tones of imoji
Everyday he always spam
and don’t cover him TECH_BOY because he is youre clan mate
Here Game ID:#P29UCVP8U
this is my prof i upload into drive all of my screenshot because i cant upload photo in this forum.
hope you’re ban this person
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When did I cover him… Did I said him to spam?? Yes it’s true that he spams… I told him like 10000 times he doesn’t listens to me… Tho I’m irritated with the spammers… And truly I’m happy atleast someone report him!
Yes this is true, Natsu (The person gamer_all_stars is talking about) Spams all the time with emojis and insults to other players, but hes not the only one, #P2QC2YGLP (Curse) is also another player in natsu’s clan that spams with him saying a bunch of mean insults to other players, and spamming all the time on global chat and I think I can speak for many others that without these 2 players running their mouth nonstop in global chat, the chat wont be as toxic as if currently is. Please help everyone out by banning these two players so they know not to spam anymore and how annoying it can be to others. Thank you. -Eriick
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