tomorrow i attacked on one base his base th lavel 1 but his trophy is in legend how null’s clash how he attack without army camp and any other barrack and dark barrack
You mean Null’s Clash, right?
Maybe he reset his base
but he is in legend leage
Yes. After he reached Legend League, he reset his base
but after reset base The trophy remains the same when we reset the base
Next topic, you must take the appropriate category
please help me to login in to vk
It just reset base. You won’t lose a trophy
give my ans.
Do you already have a VK acc?
yes i have acc
You just need to log in and enter your phone number and your VK password
but all time my captcha was wrong
It’s about null’s clash but in null’s brawl topics🤣
I already said hI’m in before but he didn’t changed ,he is new in forum I think