Please fix the error! There is no justice at all in this season

  1. Why the defense? Or more than 12 times is not limited.
    2… Why are the players matched individually? There’s nothing! How am I supposed to win a trophy?
  2. Why wasn’t the trophy reset this season? In other words? Why not fix the bug? And reset the trophy? Is it just to bring up the legendary players?
    4.Are you sure there are serious bug fixes? I know it’s a lot of work, but . there’s no equity in this season . so far, there’s no equity.

Is there fair competition in this season?No, it seems like there’s been no justice this season.1. Some players have fewer attacks.
2. Or defend more than 12 times or more
3. Sometimes there are no buildings in the player’s village that matches the search! Send a screenshot later.


yes yes yes

This is well said, @Balanced_Treatment explains it well. Everyone should just reply here so all the problems are gathered in one place and admins can view them all together when they come online.

There are so many topics saying the same stuff but it’s just messy.

You should say it before briefly :thinking: by adding image

How to report a player ?

Its so strange , wow


I deleted :sleepy:

I got zonk base today :no_mouth:

About fewer attacks I said here: Why i am getting 5 attacks instead of 12? - #15 by daniillnull
Defending more than 12 times should be fixed (that was visual bug of battle log).
No buildings bug will be fixed after maintenance, that bug could happen if player cleaned his base by /clean and didn’t set LL layout.

Sir would you add three new games of supercell then when when you will release it in nulls

If they will be really good games that we would like – yep, may be we check them and make private servers