Nulls Brawl crashes when I enter

Whenever I enter Nulls Brawl, it just crashes and kicks me out of the game.

My device is a Xiaomi Pad 6 Pro.

And then this error message pops up. It says “It looks like Nulls Brawl
has crashed during the last run. If you want, you can tell us more details about this situation so we can take a look at the problem”. But when I try to type the problem, It exits without a warning.


Bro the problem is with your device. No one can help you in any way, except if it’s not some random errors that can be fixed by reinstalling the game or cleaning the device

Neither helped

text[quote=“SuperIdol, post:1, topic:213282, full:true”]
Whenever I enter Nulls Brawl, it just crashes and kicks me out of the game.

My device is a Xiaomi Pad 6 Pro.

And then this error message pops up. It says “It looks like Nulls Brawl
has crashed during the last run. If you want, you can tell us more details about this situation so we can take a look at the problem”. But when I try to type the problem, It exits without a warning.