Good day admins, i just want to suggest for next update that, Hope No trophies lost when disconnected from internet during attacking in multiplayer Base, Cuz’ it so hard to push trophies in my crurrent trophy rate (12,500+)… i attacked even bases that have only 1 trophy and get 3 star of it, cuz so many 0 trophy base during search, Now i lost 38 trophies in this matter, i really enjoy your game but im very dissapointed to what happened, cuz i spent almost 3 hours to get those trophies, but it lost only in 1 second… Hope you made an action for this… @nullandrey @MICRDEV @daniillnull
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Maybe its a game rules bro.
Look before the November update
- if you attack and haven’t gotten 1 star
and lost connection, your trophy will
decrease -20 and so if you get 1 star
and lose connection, your trophy will
also decrease -20.
And after the November update
- If you attack and haven’t got 1 star and
lost connection, your trophy will be
reduced according to the rules of the
game (example -38), but if you get 1
star and lost connection, your trophy
will not disappear (maybe you get 1 cup)
so attack in your own risk ? lol
okay, maybe this is not my day
If you lose connection during attack, your battle will end. Trophies will be based on stars at time when you was disconnected.
Yes, it happened to me Shortly before the break😁
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It’s now February 2020 and theres three new hero skins in clash of clans when are you gonna update the server
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Bro is it normal in nulls clash to have 850 000
Because i think its broken
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850K of what?
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@nullandrey Is the season reset the first day of November or the second day?
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