Nerf of cards as quickly as possible

Please Null’s Team, this Zappies Hut deck, ball, mini Pekka and Haste spell haunts the top world, it’s almost impossible for me to rush against this deck, really the Zappies Hut too many Zappies and the Haste spell really too fast. Do something please.

Haste speed: 2 or 3 elixir /duration : 4,8/3 Radium
Zappies Hut : 6 or 7 elixirs / Hitpoints : 1168 / Spawn speed : 9seconds / lifetime : 28seconds

Try using poison spell against zappies hut and for mini pekka use skeleton army

Yes but I want to keep my deck. I’m annoying, but otherwise there’s no more play.

Well poison is good to have becasue not only do annoying players use zappie huts, they also like to use clone spell and graveyard alot too.

I meant invisible spell

The devs should really the invisible spell and zappie huts

Exactly, cant tell you how annoying it is when toxic players use the invisible spell and graveyard combo

nerf plz

I think you forgot nerf

Yes there is the invisibility graveyard deck but also the Zappies Hut deck, ball, mini pekka and speed

Graveyard deck easy to counter, you only need poison or just attack as hard as possible since it’s really hard to defend with that deck.