More 2 question Andrey

Why i get Rank 5 . 50 throphies shelly in start ? I want sonething to reset my shelly rank and throphies
Look down :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

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This is something like bonus for all new players.

Ok but i don’t want it thanks i have 0 throphies in the last update soo sorry i just wanted rank 1 shelly

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Someway i do not get it or i have to get the free 50 throphies ?
Sorry for this but like im in null from the rosa update till now gale and nani update @nullandrey

No way, because it’s new feature

Oh ok …:cry:

And someone said me that a command /clear exist is real or no ?

And sorry about this only 1 more question this gift il be forever like for everyone who install or no?

And i just wanted shelly rank 1 because the bots (Friendly Game) Get Harder by much throphies and rank you have and i am noob so i am getting killed everytine but ok @nullandrey

Hi again, yea, this bonus will be available for all new players and do not worry, because bots have 5 levels of difficult and 50 trophies - it is the first level

Yeah but i see a diference before the bots were even easier and i liked these bots

Maybe the bots are a little more strong but c’mon its only some bots

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So strange, so strange, but probably it is only seems to you?

I just wanted my account with shelly rank 0/1 that i have in the last update but idk that it il have these 50 throphies so i forgot to only install and not unistall last version

Yeah i know is only bots but i am noob in the way that i died with gale 9 power cubes to a rico 0 power cubes

Oh emmm ok i see :+1::sweat_smile:sorry
And by tye way thx andrey for the tips its working now :grin:

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So you as you see even with the 2 easiest level of bots i can die

Soo this 50 throphies il be forever and i il never can get my shelly back to rank 1 ? Ok soo il just play Training Cave ONLY soo i fon’t die easy

Lol I don’t even have shelly

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Anybody else notice how whenever a thread says “for andrey” or something like that it gets like 100+ views

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