
Is it Maintenance? Bcuz i can’t enter the game. And It’ll always stuck at black screen.

yes bro :neutral_face:

Maybe yes , I can’t open it too :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

same :crying_cat_face:

My game is black screen after maintenance break😢 Help me please

Server is offline now.

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When we play properly?


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Are guys adding something new?


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Bro my one id temporarily banned before few time maintenance break . I’m just used colour codes in chat… Can you help me please

So why the server is offline…?

Do you spam in the chat?

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Go make easier to push trophy bro
It’s too hard push on ±12k trophy, there are many a lot enemy with 0-3 cups. Go make it more easier than now :relaxed:

im sure, you spam in global chat :rofl::rofl:

Check my others reply

what is your name in game, bro ? cuz some player report 3 accounts that spam in global chat… i think your account is one of that 3

My banned id name :low_brightness:BOT :beginner: LOVE :low_brightness:

hmmm :thinking: is it permanent banned ?

No. I see temporarily banned… Where is app admin? He not help and not seen our report’?