Lost clan

Hi I have lost a level 13 clan named king of clans and the account wasn’t connected to vk I was wondering if there was any way of getting it back a lot of work was put into the clan and it would be a shame to lose it and have also lost a level 4 clan named cutie could the leader account plz be unbanned

There is no way for clans to be returned. and with no way i mean the staff won’t give them back because it’s the players fault sadly

What about the leaders account it wasn’t connected to vk tho

They just don’t help clans anymore, they only do when it’s their fault because some glitch in the game that made the leader lose his account.

:sleepy:man many members already said once if we lost clan then we can’t get it back as though I also above 10 clans but still I didn’t get :neutral_face: