In legend league enemies have just less than 30(the most of them)and pushing is so hard in this way(it is good it would make it more fun) but sometimes you get 0 trophies and in the attack they write 15 or 19

Trophies needs to be solved
You should make them more
And in self attack most of traps and inferno towers are turned off you should fix it and make 2 self attacks

  1. With reinforcements
    2.without reinforcements

Why care abt trophy road? I personally dont really care about trophy road but yeah i dif sometimes not get any trophies

Yeah self attacking needs a fix

It seems i know you

Unfortunately, asp was “broken” by CoC Devs, and nobody know when they will be fixed it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You mean the actual devs of the game or the devs of null?

COC devs

That clash of clans devs


Oh ok but game can remove it and put another codes for self attack right?

Me? My name in the game is pw lb hadi
And another id named $_$

Not you, I mean @wfwfa_wfafwaf

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I have a terrible name…my apologies