I need to get trophies fast on nulls clash how do I do it
Hi Bart
You need to attck everytime in multiplayer battle in every attck you need to get atleast two stars or three stars then you will get trophy ,without getting any star you will not get trophy ,there is no code for trophy ,only you need to attck,just attck in multiple battles then you get trophy
Alright I was just checking becouse I see alot of people with crazy amounts of trophies
Ok but they attck daily that’s they have
Keep attacking try to clear 100% all bases
Ohr devel
I can only give a suggestion… The technique i used to push to legend was attacking bases with 30-40+ trophies, spamming electro and rage and ending battle as soon as i got 2 stars to save time and attack the next base… Hope it helps
Wrong, I have seen a TH 1 player in Titan. Witch mean’s there using command’s.
No if you type /clean you will come on th 1 without losing your trophies