By using game gurduen
Hi. I did not test. I have been playing for several years. Can you do that? Submit the image here
Hi, I’ve Seen This Topic Discussed A Few Months Ago
No I don’t have root🙂
I know things. They have edited the programming part. They are different from us. They have edited it exclusively.
It’s quite normal becoz some clans don’t push trophys in builder base then it will show - 1000 like that if you don’t push trophys then it’s obvious minus -400 then if they push it again then it will become normal
Or in others ways as they said already they use cheats and hack up settings trophys and even can raise trophys nor reduce trophys of both home Village and builder village
You can check this topic there Sajid increased his trophys in clan settings using cheats
You indo @Man_Mani
yes.bro.Why did you hide your profile? Show from???im not india…i like all users all world.