Hello? Anyone here?

Long story short: this forum is abandoned. Please, don’t ask any important questions here – you may not get enough attention from us. You can still talk with others, but… there are not much people here, you know.
We’ll still keep this forum up and running (just because we can), and some old messages and topics may be still helpful for some players. But, yet again, don’t expect admins to help you here: all we do here is just removing weird spam messages (sometimes).

So what’s next?

Social media. There are some places where we have much more active communities:
Telegram (English): Telegram: Contact @nulls_en
Telegram (Russian): Telegram: Contact @nulls_ru
Discord: Null's Brawl I Null's Clash | Null's Royale

You’re more likely to get responses from us on these platforms, so please ask important questions there!