
Give me back my baby :pleading_face:

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Owner of this clan has been permanently banned. There is no way to return this clan back.

Boi, get fireboy to make me leader :joy:

I see hes a leader.

So? It doesn’t mean anything.

It means he can make me leader again :thinking:

Also why yall doing wars there :joy:

As I saw its was 91 win streak yesterday today 92 win streak


He took down the picture :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If we’ll follow our rules, he can’t.

Yes, I’m.

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: seems like yall just want TK Empire

But im not tripping anymore. I dont really play since all my damn accounts and clans got deleted. Don’t lose that TK streak :wink::heart:

Ya thats not. possible to get back leadership


Halo leader andrey I said you to ban that player who spammed in global… Plz ban that player…