Custom commands that maybe will be added to the server/game

There’s new fiew commands idea
/DelStar: Deletes starpowery from Brawlers and making Brawlers to power 8,9
/BwChange: Change power,trophy’s,other… by type,power,trophy’s/starpower/DelBw" ,number"
/ChanceBoxChange:changes the drop chance of getting something in boxes ,coin" ,rare/SuperRare/Epic/mythic/legendary" ,number"
/Clean2: resets all except Brawlers with from 1 to 99999999 trophy’s
/DelBw: type name of brawler to delete him for faster you can do ,BwName" maybe like this ,Pam" for faster type like this ,pam,shelly,Brock"
,NBGameReset" Resets your game. Maybe causes bugs and fix some of them.
Thats all for now maybe you add this commands ok

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Good idea! :+1:

Good idea!:muscle:

These commands will never be added.