Cloner Clan

#2C8292P8U ban this for clan for using 10 or more ID and saying offensive words for other clan wth!

Did u have any proof or screenshot or. Clan just lost to them thats why u are reporting

they leave in their clan maybe they know they will got ban or they saw this post thats why

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You really can’t find any evidence if the clan uses cloned account… The best evidence is probably to look at the clan’s win streak.

#2C9022LLU this is it their new clan 11-43 IDs are clone @nullandrey Screenshot_2020_1230_162149.jpg - Google Drive

This is what happens in all the game. Cloned accounts. Reproduction can only be prohibited if all copiers are held accountable. I lost a level 11 clan because we are using clones. And everyone uses cloned accounts . But we were banned. The rest is not. And science. I tried to report the tribes using cloning. But they weren’t blocked. And we are banned because we defeated a Russian clan that has a streak of big victories. And I can’t do anything.

This is what happens in all the game.

Facts maybe that rence got defrates that clan that he’s reporting btw that rence is familliar to me he is dg members who usigg bunch of clones too

can you take action for this? this is a cloner clan they use 10 or more clones for each person #2C9022LLU clan tag … player tag #2C9022LLU #PRCUV90Y8

Do you have evidence that they are abusing this power? There is really no point of banning unless they abuse this power.


Sombongeronng bata hahaha tae ka rence

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