Can we have half-day or full day Battle Days too in War?

If not preparation time, then can we have 12hr/24hr Battle day setting? Keeping the usual 1 hr 40 mins as it is. I know this would dilute the server making matchmaking time a little bit longer but it’s worth it. Thank you for your efforts and time dear Admin and the null’s team. :blush:

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That’s so long🙃
I can’t wait 12 hr or 24 hr to a new war💭

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IDK man. 12hrs seem to be kinda tired to wait. We’re almost active in our clan. And attacking at clan war was the best part of the game. Just because your clan does not active as other doesn’t mean you change the rules to your favor.

Friendly reminder. Kick inactive members.


You play all day? Actually the problem is I’d get very busy in few days due to college reopening. So it’d become very hectic to check every now and then that the leader hasn’t started any war. Having 12/24hr count would mean doing 2 attacks whenever i get time and being relaxed and free for the rest of the day.

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Who is asking you to wait? You play your usual wars. I asked to include 12/24hrs war too. Focus on the too.

No I just checking if there’s a war or not if there’s no war I will be offline
Are you an elder to your clan so you are not starting war?
I really can’t wait 12 hr to new war🙃
And also I need to check it or I will lose many trophies

I’m a co. But the max people I’ve seen online at once is 4-5. That too rarely. It’s almost always 1 or 2.

Oh ok that’s why you want 12 hr war🙃
I am just waiting to my co leader to start war even if I am the leader :laughing:

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I’m not asking you or anyone who loves fast paced war to wait. You play your usual wars. I’m just asking to add a feature to have longer wars too. Too


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There… you got what I am saying :upside_down_face:
@Mr.Creeper_The_Build what’s with the name though…why add the build?🤷

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That’s not only my problem even pushing trophies :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Idk I actually change my name to Mr.Creeper but its still the build

Any idea how long will be the maintainence break?

As I know its 10hrs
But I’m happy that my trophies will not be deducted😆

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10 hours? No way…few days ago it happened, took 3 hours i remember

That’s why I say as I know

Is it the trophy reset one?:rofl:

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I could have been in legend in a week or so… Alas. I’ll have to do the hard work again!