Now I’m pretty sure you guys will fix the bugs when Supercell fixes them, but do we have to wait all the way until next update? Some bugs are pretty annoying. But if it is necessary to fix the bugs next update, I won’t say anything, but there are some missing features that are in Null’s Brawl. Prepare yourself because this list is going to be very lon.
First, none of Collete’s pins are shown. Even though brawler pins don’t work in battles, it would be at least cool if Collete had pins, like the rest of the brawlers. Second, all of the bots are at level 1 in friendly games. I think this missing feature has to do with turning bots off in friendly games, but as far as I know, if you can’t turn off bots, they should be at full level, at least. Third, You can’t use brawler pins in battle. So, this feature has been missing since last update, and I assume, I hate to assume, that it will be fixed pretty soon? I really hope so. Fourth, I can’t turn off bots in friendly games. Now, this feature may be very hard to fix, so I’m okay with it. Fifth, there is no lobby background. This doesn’t really bother me, so I’m okay with it. Sixth, respawning when your teammate dies doesn’t work once again. I really disliked this bug, and I’ve been super happy when you guys fixed it, but now it isn’t fixed again. I really hope you guys can fix this again, because I have lost many matches because of this bug. Seventh, Lunar Sprout super doesn’t have the special design or effect when you throw the super. So I that all that I have for now, I’m incredibly sorry if I offend you anywhere in this topic, as I amy have been a little aggresive. But I really hope you guys will read this, and consider fixing some of them, other than these bugs, I really love playing the server.