Bug to download Null’s Brawl

Hello, I’ve been trying to install Null’s Brawl for over 3 weeks now, but I can’t get it to work. When I try to install it on IOS on the “Null’s Brawl on iOS” site (I should point out that I tried both download buttons: Install 1 and Install 2), there is a message telling me that the application cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified. When I go to “VPN and Device Management” in Settings, there’s no profile that can be validated to access the game. Could you help me solve this because I really want to access Null’s Brawl. Thanks you for all !!!


No, no, no! Dont use that website or whatever this is they are all fake. Nulls devs dont provide an installation method. Download .ipa file from https://dnull.xyz/latest_bs_i and install it with Scarlet. Search Yt for tutorials and Scarlet’s website: https://usescarlet.com

When i get scarlet even when i verfiy app in settings it says its gotta be verieifed

Use ESign cuz you can’t get blacklisted


I can’t it says that to install scarlet unable pls help please

You should try download in another source, like here

You can try now to download Nulls brawl new version. Try to restart your mobile and don’t use VPN and then it will be ok. I also faced the issue and then I tried by restarting my mobile and download nulls brawl game again