Ice Wizard Tower: Range 6.5 tiles -> 7 tiles, HP +25% (900 -> 1200 at lvl 9)
Wizard Tower: Range 6.5 tiles -> 7 tiles
Grave Ghost (fix): Movement Speed Medium -> Fast (It only displays as fast in the description but in practice it only moves at medium)
Shelly: Range 6.5 tiles -> 4.5 tiles
Goblin Cannon: Range 11.5 tiles -> 12.5 tiles
Invisibility Spell: Affects Air AND Ground, Duration 3.7sec -> 2.5sec
Golemite Cave: HP 1900 -> 1200, Golemite’s stats match normal golemites
Sneaky Archer: Elixir Cost 4 -> 3, Hitspeed .8sec -> .7sec, HP 330 -> 252
Bo: Target Range AND Projectile range 6-7 tiles -> 8 tiles
Rocket Shaft: Elixir Cost 6 -> 5