Advice for admins and players especially Indonesia and Philippine

Dear @nullandrey, @daniillnull and all Admin who we all player respect.

I’m member of Indo Win Strike ( Before MenenangkanHati clan ).
My tag #8V9PQGCCJ

As we all know there are many professional players at Null’s Clash.

Some come from Russia, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Brazil etc.

However, it is unfortunate that there are many disputes between Indonesian and Philippine players.

Hate each other and attack each other with bad words.

I have idea to offer a win-win solution.

What if the admin facilitates Clan Wars between Indonesian and Filipino players ONLY.

50 vs 50

There must be no clone id in it

And the 2 clans that fight will be directly escorted by the admin

Whatever the result, we must respect and respect everyone in Null’s Clash.

And if admin agrees, it very possible that there will be competition between as well for all country or clan.
Can made every 3 or 6 month for example.

Admin response please.

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