That will be good for players that they want to change value of tokens,gems,coins,tickets
Maybe will be added? Please make sure to have idea how will be properly works
I don’t see reasons for change your in-game resources, if you tell me any reason, I will be happy. Ticket Events??? Do you mean Roborumble and Big game? It’s will be soon.
Yes with ticket events, and reason with change value and add activation for tokens,gems,coins and maybe buyable skins, I just have idea that will be nice to people that wants to do value changer like getting 20 tokens and then maybe will be available to change value to maybe 1832 and get 18 brawl boxes and too with others values in NB to be like from BS
lol, if we add changer in-game resources, most players can give out our server as a BS, if you meant this, I do not want to continue this. Closed.
Nie mam ich dużo
Is there any way you could implement increasing rank of the brawlers. Though it’s fun to play and get it, I experience lag and shot delays so I’m not able to reach that goal. It would awesome if there was a command to increase rank
They cant do that, because it will destroy trophies ranking. About the lags, im in europe and i have to play at night (23 to maybe 6-7) to not experience lags so if you too from europe, without lag you can play i guess only at night