About the new update

Let the developers take care of this. We can never be too sure about when the update is coming. This update is one of the biggest updates Supercell has ever done, so we’ll see how long it takes. Also, please don’t be asking when the update is. They don’t know yet. They can’t predict the future. So please.


Yes, you right)


We’re expecting at mid January (or more) :v:

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:sob: :sob: :sob:

That’s Too Much

Yes,it is

3 weeks, take it or leave

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It’s The End Of December Or The Early January

In case something goes wrong… 3 weeks

I’ll be honest as I can. Unfortunately, nobody know when we’ll be release an update to 32.153. It can may be as December, January and February. Latest update is too much hardly for us.


December= :hugs:
January= :sob:
February= :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :japanese_ogre: :japanese_goblin: :rage:

Your right

It’s Strange That It Could Be February Cause There Is The New Brawl Pass And It Doesn’t Make Sense!

The New Brawl Pass It’s 31st Of January

Lmao :rofl:

They canta leadt tell when about its gonna be domne is it in one week 2 days or what

The update isnt coming. Nulls brawl is already dying and they arent getting enough fu nds to continue. So, enjoy it whilst its here.

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Null’s Brawl will never die. Remember this main words.


Shut up and wait

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Really? What about NOW?