There has been many accusations and evidence showing the ugly truth behind the current 1st ranking clan: China, No1 . They have used many undeserved advantages to achieve their current position, yet nothing has been done.
The clan has used the following cheating methods:
- Using nearly 7 accounts per person (Each account passing 10k trophies).
- Using 3rd party to automatically push.
- Staying online 24/7 to avoid losing trophies.
@Balanced_Treatment had previously posted about this problem but his post was put off listing and no action was taken. It is important that this issue is solved because the clan betrays the integrity of our community and threatens the fairness of this server.
You can’t achieve fair play when number 1 on the leader board is using undeserved advantages. Please take action as soon as possible.
@nullandrey @daniillnull
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i completely agree. these people, (although there are others, it is mainly that clan) are ruining the way nulls is meant to be played. its not intended for people to set up account farms and effectively monopolize the leaderboard. there should be at least some way to prevent things like this.
Thank you for your support! This is exactly what we are asking for; another clan who violated similar rules was banned and removed and we wish a similar penalty can be given to this clan. However, admins have been somewhat avoiding this issue; we have brought this up many times, but still seen a lack of action. This problem is very important and I hope admins can take action instead of ignoring it. @Panda2503 @nullandrey
Seems like that more China No1 clan members were banned and there accounts were deleted. The problem is solved.
Their clans was just destroyed and members were kicked. It didn’t solve the problem of them using multiple clone accounts. Here is evidence of them literally saying they own most of the clans 10k+ accounts, this is a screen shot taken about 5 minutes ago:
Please take action and do something similar to the penalty given on Demigod; this clan deserves more than what Demigod deserved.
They’ve reorganized and things will return to normal just like before unless action is taken. I don’t see any of the China, No1 members being banned and many of their former members have returned (including the clone accounts).The problem won’t be solved unless the administration intervenes. This is very important for me and my community; their unfair doings effect the reputation of all Chinese players. Just look at what happened earlier when their clan was destroyed; international players did it and said lots of bad things about Chinese players in general, even though China No1 are the ones who are being unfair. So please take action instead of avoiding it.
If you need me to translate words in that photo I would gladly do it.
Who are the players? China no 1 What effect does the tribe have?Their deputy leader has seven accounts on the computer.So far, not banned.
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Exactly! Those who were banned were only minor members who didn’t contribute to the use of clones and 3rd party apps. We wish to stop the issue of unfair advantages, not spamming (Just not in this case, spamming is, of course, an illegal behavior).
Do you mean disconnecting with VK? This is not the post that discusses this issue. This post is trying to stop certain players from having an unfair advantage.
just logout it in chrome or vk App, you will delete it by this
These guys are not abusing in any clan maybe because, they have many accounts to push. So they are not doing any clans down, they only trying to go up. These guys are “tech masters”