Her name is godess she is spamming allot and she abuse india she told every indian is a rapist who rape own mom and she spamm like an hour #PQ90YP80G this is her tag please take some action otherwise i don’t have any other option I’ll have to delete nulls clash thank you
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Thank you for support. We take action to this player.
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Hey andrey its not true that guy is always abusing me bullying me.#9COU2YVQ8 THATS HIS CODE
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And also this one #P2QC2YGLP, #PPQR8GC2L
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They are always bullying me just monitor every afternoon.and midnight 12mn here in the phils untill 3am. In the morning those indians are bullying me and also that one named ark.
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Hey, that is true. We negative attitude to cyberbullying. I check this information, thanks for player tag.
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Godess last codename but now i turned it over to adonis.i quitted because of those guys.
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Banning does not solve the spamming,you should limit the letters allowed to only 15 or 20 there will be no more spamming then.
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