20 attacks should be instead of 12

Please add 20 attacks instead of 12 pls its so boring to play nulls clash after doing 12 attacks

Whats? :confused:

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That’s too much, 12 is good than having 20 defence


12 is ok. Best would have been 8 though😄

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People dropped below 5000 because that 40 attack thingy, the Problem is solved now and 20 attack could bring back that problem at a lower scale, they did good work at making this season more fair and 20 attacks would just be 40 attacks but on a lower scale and some people couldn’t keep up on their loses and some people get attacked 6 times while other’s 20 times

why do you talk so much :unamused:

No 20 is good

I agree with 20 attack plz admin plz add 20 attacks

Attack count won’t be changed.