Will any event

Good morning or afternoon, do you have an event planned for this February 14 or will you not do anything again?

admin is focusing on nulls brawl alpha. maybe it will be answered but a little too late

and what exactly is an event?

that means the admin is focused on perfecting the nulls brawl alpha. and as we know the nulls brawl alpha has not been released long ago so it still has bugs so the admin focuses on fixing these bugs

Download nulls brawl alpha

There are adjustments to be added.

*Activate friendly wars

  • Facilitate reinforcement. So that I can give reinforcements to someone using Gems. Or I am the one giving myself or identifying my reinforcements without anyone giving me.

  • Activate the daily limited attack number of legends. No one can get 15,000 Trophies.

  • Chat height with keyboard facilitates messaging. Because the keyboard always goes up above the message.

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And there are a lot of adjustments that will have to happen if it is not today, tomorrow. In any case, it should be added

Ya we need it

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Make it possible to be able to see the fight log that would be cool

@darknessGenger yes :+1: replays it uses lot of space in database