@daniillnull please can you help me I went to save my VK account with my number but the number was already associated with another account and now whenever I try to connect my other number it asks me to log in to the other registered account but not I wanted to lose my current account, as it has many trophies, can you help me in any way? If you want, I’ll give you the number I wanted to register on the account.Tag: #LRPL09R9J
Try contacting admins through VK, you will receive better help since this problem is more personal and VK related.
I dont know how
There is no way to link two accounts with one VK account. You should to register another VK account
I know, I wanted to do this but now whenever I try to log in there is the option to log in to my other existing village, it appears to type CONFIRM, you can help me with this or I literally lost or I literally lost account?