Make a game server

Can you guys make a private server of pubg mobile timi please. The official server has been closed by Timi studios.

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Please bro …

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We specialize only in Supercell games.

Könntet ihr mir bitte einen Hat Day Privaten Server erstellen. Danke.

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Are you thinking of making hay day’s private server?

It is not so popular …

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It’s July 20😳


Since when is it not popular?

I think the problem is not in the popularity of the game, but in the fact that the developers for this game are not going to make a private server

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They are only based on the game popularity:v:

Yeah but hayday has just as much downloads as brawl stars for example so it’s kinda… Idk not even popularity?

Also hay day isn’t really a pvp so it’s a plus point, right?

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Hay day had 2.1k reviews but brawl stars had 13 M reviews and brawl star is on the top 3 of supercell games :v:

Oh well that’s kinda sh*t… Cuz hay day isn’t a pvp sooooo… Yeah well we ain’t gonna get it but thanks for the help xD of explaining!

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