Load village and can't connect my account to vk

When I click on Facebook button it’s showing load village eveyrtime I can’t login new vk id in game


Can’t connect main id it’s showing everytime load village before logon to account


There has oddly been lots of VK connection problems. I think it has to do with your device or location, some of my friends can’t connect because of the verification picture code thing you must fill when signing in. However, some other players who can connect use it to gain an unfair advantage…

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I can’t connect eveytime buged with main id but I can connect second id but main id buged can’t connect


But I can connect my second id but main id can’t connecting plz help


I couldn’t connect to vk at all. There is a problem.

The problem I am saying is
*I already registered to vk then I connected my second id

  • Problem is I can’t connect my main id to vk becoz after giving password and number to connect then I pressed log in
  • After logging in in facebook then suddenly load village will comr on screen
    it will show evertime on screen that’s why I can’t connect to vk of my main id

account then It will give me th 1 account like that becoz I already lost champion id becoz I pressed load village that’s why I don’t want to that as I saw others they connect vk easily but o didn’t why this is happening to main id but I can connect my second id but this is bugging can’t even connect


I already sing up before logon to vk I will give location and verification I done all that but I cant connect in game it’s bugging me to connect vk my second id will connect easily but main id bugging me too hard I have tried three times to connect but still can’t


I’m not an admin and I can’t help fix any problems. I am also puzzled by the problem you’ve encountered.

I know


Yes, but that was nobtthe appropriate post for this problem. The other post was about China No,1.